We know finding the right property can be difficult, particularly in a fast-moving market, so we have created buyer support services for our pre-approved home and investment loan clients to make the property buying process a little less stressful.

Whether it is your first purchase or been many years since your last property purchase, navigating the property market can be daunting. From the moment you decide you want to purchase, to moving in or securing a tenant, there are many questions and concerns that run through your head. If only you had someone to bounce ideas around with or ask those questions you’ve convinced yourself are ‘silly’… That’s where our Buyer Support Team steps in.

Free Buyer Support Services

In addition to helping fine tune your search criteria to find matching properties, you will have your very own personal property support person to hold your hand throughout your search, and beyond.

Our Buyer Support Team are available to:

  • Help you create your property vision for any location and for any purpose, investment or owner occupied.

  • Identify the pros and cons of properties providing an unbiased opinion and industry data and research to support your decision.

  • Open your mind and encourage you to think outside the box to challenge your pre-conceived ideas about your property options.

  • Provide unlimited property reports to provide insight into each property you’re considering.

  • Keep you motivated to find the right property when things don’t work out.

  • Provide renovation ideas to help you add value and visualise future capital growth.

  • Answer any of your questions about the property buying process, including and most importantly, the ‘silly’ questions.

  • Help educate you on real estate industry tricks and how to avoid traps or buying a lemon.

  • Provide updated funding tables so you know how much cash you’ll need to contribute for your deposit and costs as your property prices fluctuate.

  • Cross check that the property you want will fit within your home loan approval conditions.

  • Guide you through the offer and auction processes.

  • Provide you with location and property specific information to help you settle into your new home seamlessly.

  • Access to our Property Buyers Guide to ensure you have a reference tool 24/7.

  • Provide buyer support services with no conflict of interest. We don’t have arrangements or interests with any real estate agents or property developers, so you know your best interest is our only priority.

How to access our free buyer support services

No matter if your property dream is an acreage in Queensland, a beach shack on the Central Coast of NSW or a penthouse apartment in Melbourne, our Buyer Support Services are available regardless of your location or the property search radius. We offer our free buyer support services to all clients with a pre-approval arranged by Mint Equity. Click the button below to start your pre-approval journey.

Have a chat with one of our Finance Brokers and find out your borrowing capacity.

We’ll prepare and lodge your loan application and arrange your pre-approval.

Once your loan application is pre-approval, have a chat with our Buyer Support Team to discuss your needs.

Secure your dream property with loads of support and minimal stress.

We are so grateful to them for helping us secure our very first home loan, and buy a beautiful home for our young family to enjoy. We would highly recommend their services - as they did so much more than simply secure us a loan; they offered us guidance and advise on the market, acted as a sounding board on many occasions, and even helped us with our house search! These guys are beyond amazing!
— Toni Muir, 5 star Google review

Why does Mint Equity offer free buyer support services?

Supporting our clients is our priority

Since starting Mint Equity back in 2014, Zac has supported our clients with guidance around the buying process and insights into what is happening in the property market. We realised his guidance and support was a big part of why clients sought to secure their home loan approval at Mint Equity instead of going to another broker or bank. His ability to pass on industry information and make clients feel special was a key service offering. To ensure all our clients receive the same level of service and support, we created a team dedicated to supporting our clients through their entire property journey.

Reduce the risk of needing to extend your pre-approval or reapply for a home loan

Providing guidance during the property search phase that matches the home loan approval helps our clients find the right property quicker than if they were going it alone. That means, our clients are less likely to have to extend their pre-approval or have to submit a whole new loan application because their previous home loan approval expired.

If our client needs to reapply for another home loan approval because they couldn’t find the right property, they may be subject to changes in bank/lender credit policies. This can be stressful, time consuming for the client but also means they might not secure the same loan amount, reducing their purchase price limit, or interest rate, increasing their borrowing costs.

Zac and the team continued to support us on our journey to become homeowners. We started our search again beginning of this year and with lots of ups and downs, we found our home! No question was too small or too silly, they took time to explain all the steps in the purchasing process. We love our home and can’t wait to start the next chapter.
— Google review - Pip Curnow, November 2021

Guidance from the team who know your home loan pre-approval best

Finance and property go hand in and hand, and you’d be surprised how much cross over there is in terms of securing the right home loan for the right property. There are many nuances associated with what banks/lenders deem a ‘suitable property’, so the connection between what you want to buy and what the bank will lend on should be considered during the search phase.

For example, a client might find a property that is perfect for renovation, but the kitchen has been ripped out. The client might see this as a great opportunity to flip the property and make money on the property after renovations. However, the bank and valuer may consider the property uninhabitable and put the valuation at a much lower amount than the purchase price. When a bank valuation comes in lower than the agreed purchase price, the client would need to provide more cash to complete the purchase as the bank will only lend a certain percentage of the valuation.

Meet the Mint Equity Team

Buyer Support Services Frequently Asked Questions

Are the buyer support services offered by Mint Equity the same as a buyer’s agent or buyer’s advocate?

No. A buyer’s agent/advocate offers a more advanced buyer’s service. A buyer’s agent will inspect properties, negotiate the purchase price and/or bid at auction on behalf of the client. A buyer’s agent will generally charge a fee upfront and then final fee on settlement which is often calculated as a percentage of the purchase price. Buyer Support Services provided by Mint Equity is more like having a friend in the industry who gives you a helping hand and is there to talk through ideas whenever you need it.

How much do the Buyer Support Services cost?

Just like our mortgage broker services, our buyer support services are free of charge. Because we are remunerated by the lender when your loan settled, we are able to incorporate our buyer support services into our service offering for clients who secure a pre-approval with Mint Equity.

How do I get access to the buyer support services?

Buyer support services are only available to pre-approved Mint Equity clients. If you’re ready to start your property journey and need to secure a home loan approval, contact us to get the ball rolling. All our services are free of charge as we’re remunerated by the lender you choose.

Are the buyer support services associated with any agents or developers?

No, we pride ourselves on never having any conflict of interest. Therefore we will never engage in agreements with real estate agents or property developers. Under our mortgage broking license, we are bound by the Best Interests Duty – which means we must always put our client’s best interest first. This will always apply to every aspect of our business including our buyer support services. If you are looking for a full service buyers agent, always ask if they have any paid associations with developers to ensure you’re always getting advice that is fit for purpose and in your best interest.

Does Mint Equity have to meet with me?

No, regardless of your location, we are still able to help. The digital age has helped the finance industry a lot and with the use of phone, email, Zoom, we’re able to provide our service to those outside of the Central Coast area.

local guides by Mint Equity